Stay tuned for the latest news from us at Paranormal Games and follow us on twitter @ParanormalGS or like our facebook page. And definitely follow our pages and twitters for our upcoming title Shadow & Huxley: Cat Burglar Extraordinaires :D Twitter: @ShadowAndHuxley or on facebook: We are also on YouTube as the crazy Indie Bandidos so check out our videos there where we do dev videos, lets plays, goof around and give our 2 cents on things. Paranormal Games Channel Indie Bandidos Channel |
QUBD RELEASES ON ios and Google PLay and is now Free
A while back I dropped Qubd for iOS and Google Play.
Its now free to play so go check it out and give your brain a workout.
Its now free to play so go check it out and give your brain a workout.
Seul.(Alone) The entree. LAUNCH SALE! $0.99USD FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY! Step into the Dark… Can you save Peggy? 22/02-08/03
Seul.(Alone) - The entree.
A philosophical thriller. Choose your own path Novella.
Seul.(Alone) The entree is a small part of a bigger piece of work. To begin with Seul.(Alone) The entree is the first part of a three part story. Broken down into the following titles. Seul.(Alone) The Entree, Seul.(Alone) The Mains and finally Seul.(Alone) Dessert.
These three titles bring the story to completion but they all fit into another bigger game we have planned called Le Crumbs.
Le Crumbs presents a strange world where things are not at all what they seem. Although Seul.(Alone) fits into this other world, it is it’s own story and stands strong on itself.
I’ve always been a writer and story creator since I was a kid, part of the reason why I founded Paranormal Games was because I loved to create worlds and the stories that lived within them. Then being able to invite others into them.
The Video Game medium has this great potential to tell riveting stories and connect with the player quickly on a deeper level of interaction. The other great thing about a video game is the challenges that come with having to make that story fit in seamlessly with everything else that the player is having to focus on. When one reads a story or watches a movie the main senses at play are visual and audible. However a video game can press deeper throwing at the player movement around environments, skill, hand eye coordination, reaction, puzzle solving, investigation and various others but these are the main other elements being asked from the viewer while the audio and visual process are also telling the story. Which brings me to the point that in video games, the story can seep into all of these cracks and crevices. It can move, shift and fill whichever areas the designer wishes it too, creating a far more immersive storytelling than other mediums allow.
Because the story can be told using any or all of the above mentioned aspects it leaves the story feeling more wholesome and bigger then what it is, if done well. For example a part of level design can help drive a section of suspense that the story is driving towards. A prop can give a hint to something that later the story will touch on. A game mechanic is an integral part of the story or how the story is told, solving a certain puzzle rewards the player with another piece of information that builds or gives background to the story. A certain choice in game changes the story pathway. Or one of my favourites, the games world itself, its physics or props allow the player to create their own little story within the world.
Anyway I would love to write more on this but for now we’ll get back on track.
Seul.(Alone) The entree
Is a philosophical thriller, meaning it is a thriller based on thrilling philosophical ideas and contains horror elements. From nihilism, existentialism, surrealism, solipsism and absurdism. A narrative told with these ideas kept in mind. I wanted to play on these thoughts but also present some Lynchian kind of world where nothing makes much sense at first glance but as one adapts. They begin to see that mostly everything is staged within the game for a reason, a motivation sits behind every image and sentence. Like Franz Kafka and David Lynch got together and created something.
Choose your own adventures were the kind of books I loved reading as a kid, I was always hungry for them. My school library had about ten of them. I read the crap out of those. I loved the feeling that every choice had a purpose and weight to it. The choices were put under a magnifying glass and really mattered to the reader, like in dreams you have sometimes. I aimed to recreate that in this game.
Along with this, I wanted in a funny way Seul.(Alone) to be a detective styled game where every choice has weight and you can feel that but I also wanted it to be about nothing also like how dreams can feel at times. It seems so heavy and important to the dreamer while the dream is happening but when one wakes it seems to lose all its importance or even its sensibility. The weight of it has dissipated and you are left with this odd out of place feeling while you lay there replaying the memory of the dream you just had.
But at times those dreams can still affect you if you lay there and really begin to pull them apart and ask why, what was the reason for that? Where did those thoughts come from? What is my subconscious communicating, where are the links to my life? Now you are studying the dream… and there’s a whole ocean of stuff behind that now, connections, motivations and meanings. This is what I want to achieve in Seul.(Alone) and you mostly ever find yourself studying those areas of your life when you are truly Seul.(Alone).
Building this was possibly the easiest game I’ve ever been a part of building. There is an amazing Indie game company by the name of inklestudios, I’ll provide links lower to everything mentioned. They created a free tool called inklewriter it is a tool that is in constant beta now as they have moved onto a new freely available tool called ink. Ink is a much more powerful tool and from what I understand the team at inklestudios will continue to support it. Both tools are basically choose your own adventure style game engines.
I jumped onto inklewriter and began writing, I found out about Ink a little later and was already comfortable in inklewriter so I stuck with it. After the game was at completion I moved it into Unity and Steve my partner took the wheel from there and finished the games audio and visuals and polish. All up I’ve written around about 25,000 words for Seul.(Alone) The entree. The second part of the game (The Mains) will sit somewhere around 100,000 words. I worked less than part time on The entree so roughly if collected all together it took 3 months if it was at full time probably just under a month.
The game will only go into its main course if it has a financial success and allows us to switch over to the project full time.
We have other games in development and this was more of a personal writing exercise for myself but it is definitely something I would love to work on more and expand its world, I definitely have more of a story to tell and unfold for those who are interested in allowing me to share it with them.
Nick Stavrou.
A philosophical thriller. Choose your own path Novella.
Seul.(Alone) The entree is a small part of a bigger piece of work. To begin with Seul.(Alone) The entree is the first part of a three part story. Broken down into the following titles. Seul.(Alone) The Entree, Seul.(Alone) The Mains and finally Seul.(Alone) Dessert.
These three titles bring the story to completion but they all fit into another bigger game we have planned called Le Crumbs.
Le Crumbs presents a strange world where things are not at all what they seem. Although Seul.(Alone) fits into this other world, it is it’s own story and stands strong on itself.
I’ve always been a writer and story creator since I was a kid, part of the reason why I founded Paranormal Games was because I loved to create worlds and the stories that lived within them. Then being able to invite others into them.
The Video Game medium has this great potential to tell riveting stories and connect with the player quickly on a deeper level of interaction. The other great thing about a video game is the challenges that come with having to make that story fit in seamlessly with everything else that the player is having to focus on. When one reads a story or watches a movie the main senses at play are visual and audible. However a video game can press deeper throwing at the player movement around environments, skill, hand eye coordination, reaction, puzzle solving, investigation and various others but these are the main other elements being asked from the viewer while the audio and visual process are also telling the story. Which brings me to the point that in video games, the story can seep into all of these cracks and crevices. It can move, shift and fill whichever areas the designer wishes it too, creating a far more immersive storytelling than other mediums allow.
Because the story can be told using any or all of the above mentioned aspects it leaves the story feeling more wholesome and bigger then what it is, if done well. For example a part of level design can help drive a section of suspense that the story is driving towards. A prop can give a hint to something that later the story will touch on. A game mechanic is an integral part of the story or how the story is told, solving a certain puzzle rewards the player with another piece of information that builds or gives background to the story. A certain choice in game changes the story pathway. Or one of my favourites, the games world itself, its physics or props allow the player to create their own little story within the world.
Anyway I would love to write more on this but for now we’ll get back on track.
Seul.(Alone) The entree
Is a philosophical thriller, meaning it is a thriller based on thrilling philosophical ideas and contains horror elements. From nihilism, existentialism, surrealism, solipsism and absurdism. A narrative told with these ideas kept in mind. I wanted to play on these thoughts but also present some Lynchian kind of world where nothing makes much sense at first glance but as one adapts. They begin to see that mostly everything is staged within the game for a reason, a motivation sits behind every image and sentence. Like Franz Kafka and David Lynch got together and created something.
Choose your own adventures were the kind of books I loved reading as a kid, I was always hungry for them. My school library had about ten of them. I read the crap out of those. I loved the feeling that every choice had a purpose and weight to it. The choices were put under a magnifying glass and really mattered to the reader, like in dreams you have sometimes. I aimed to recreate that in this game.
Along with this, I wanted in a funny way Seul.(Alone) to be a detective styled game where every choice has weight and you can feel that but I also wanted it to be about nothing also like how dreams can feel at times. It seems so heavy and important to the dreamer while the dream is happening but when one wakes it seems to lose all its importance or even its sensibility. The weight of it has dissipated and you are left with this odd out of place feeling while you lay there replaying the memory of the dream you just had.
But at times those dreams can still affect you if you lay there and really begin to pull them apart and ask why, what was the reason for that? Where did those thoughts come from? What is my subconscious communicating, where are the links to my life? Now you are studying the dream… and there’s a whole ocean of stuff behind that now, connections, motivations and meanings. This is what I want to achieve in Seul.(Alone) and you mostly ever find yourself studying those areas of your life when you are truly Seul.(Alone).
Building this was possibly the easiest game I’ve ever been a part of building. There is an amazing Indie game company by the name of inklestudios, I’ll provide links lower to everything mentioned. They created a free tool called inklewriter it is a tool that is in constant beta now as they have moved onto a new freely available tool called ink. Ink is a much more powerful tool and from what I understand the team at inklestudios will continue to support it. Both tools are basically choose your own adventure style game engines.
I jumped onto inklewriter and began writing, I found out about Ink a little later and was already comfortable in inklewriter so I stuck with it. After the game was at completion I moved it into Unity and Steve my partner took the wheel from there and finished the games audio and visuals and polish. All up I’ve written around about 25,000 words for Seul.(Alone) The entree. The second part of the game (The Mains) will sit somewhere around 100,000 words. I worked less than part time on The entree so roughly if collected all together it took 3 months if it was at full time probably just under a month.
The game will only go into its main course if it has a financial success and allows us to switch over to the project full time.
We have other games in development and this was more of a personal writing exercise for myself but it is definitely something I would love to work on more and expand its world, I definitely have more of a story to tell and unfold for those who are interested in allowing me to share it with them.
Nick Stavrou.
SHADOW & HUXLEY: Cat Burglar Extraordinaires
We are currently working on our latest title Shadow & Huxley: Cat Burglar Extraordinaires.
A mischievous stealth action game about two career criminal cats Shadow & Huxley.
In a cartoon world where crime DOES pay play as either of the duo to pinch some of
the worlds most valuable prized possessions .
Break out the black gloves. Lay out the masks. It’s the middle of the night and you’re dangling 20 feet above a stone floor in the middle of a heist.
Shadow and Huxley are two extraordinary cat burglars and they’re proud of it. Ready to get their feline claws on only the most valuable riches the world has to offer by any means necessary. If there’s an unguarded corner or unbolted door they’ll find it!
Play as either Shadow the lighthearted jokester or Huxley the professional feisty connoisseur of comfort and jewels.
A stealth action game where crime DOES pay. Go where you’re not supposed to, and take what isn’t yours. Test your wits against guards and henchman, Which corridor do you head down? What distraction can you create?
Use the environment to your advantage, become fluent in the puzzle you find yourself in and move seamlessly to your loot. Then disappear again as though no one was there.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we continue development and begin to show gameplay. Peace!
A mischievous stealth action game about two career criminal cats Shadow & Huxley.
In a cartoon world where crime DOES pay play as either of the duo to pinch some of
the worlds most valuable prized possessions .
Break out the black gloves. Lay out the masks. It’s the middle of the night and you’re dangling 20 feet above a stone floor in the middle of a heist.
Shadow and Huxley are two extraordinary cat burglars and they’re proud of it. Ready to get their feline claws on only the most valuable riches the world has to offer by any means necessary. If there’s an unguarded corner or unbolted door they’ll find it!
Play as either Shadow the lighthearted jokester or Huxley the professional feisty connoisseur of comfort and jewels.
A stealth action game where crime DOES pay. Go where you’re not supposed to, and take what isn’t yours. Test your wits against guards and henchman, Which corridor do you head down? What distraction can you create?
Use the environment to your advantage, become fluent in the puzzle you find yourself in and move seamlessly to your loot. Then disappear again as though no one was there.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we continue development and begin to show gameplay. Peace!
Project Elysium
So we entered a VR contest a while back caused a bit of a stir on the interwebs with our outlandish concept Project Elysium.
We have been so busy with everything being indie that we have only got around to updating out website with this news now. Better late than never right? lol.
We were creating a documentary along side the demo. But we have since put it all on the back burner while we complete our games and try and chase down a sustainable revenue stream for the company.
We initially tried to seek funding for Project Elysium and turn it into a company but we decided to keep pressing forward at this stage with Paranormal Games and focus our attentions on our upcoming titles.
Project Elysium is still in the back of our minds as we go forward and the project did allow us to make new discoveries in a taboo and undiscovered land of digital doubles and recreating the afterlife, we were able to discern some sticking points with our business model and reformulated the plan with more realistic goals in mind. It would be an industry in its infancy and when we pick it back up, we know where we want to go with it.
We have had a lot of interest from people all around the world as to what we are doing and what we have discovered, and its been great as indies to pave the way for new ideas and new ways we can use digital technology as human beings. We have recently been in talks with other companies with more advanced technologies that want to work with us and give us the facilities to create experiences of the highest quality, which is what experiences like these really needs to be convincing, believable, heart warming and not a terrifying one.
In saying that i hope we have the opportunity to pick it up again and create a service for people wanting to try to live forever in some way or another :).
We have been so busy with everything being indie that we have only got around to updating out website with this news now. Better late than never right? lol.
We were creating a documentary along side the demo. But we have since put it all on the back burner while we complete our games and try and chase down a sustainable revenue stream for the company.
We initially tried to seek funding for Project Elysium and turn it into a company but we decided to keep pressing forward at this stage with Paranormal Games and focus our attentions on our upcoming titles.
Project Elysium is still in the back of our minds as we go forward and the project did allow us to make new discoveries in a taboo and undiscovered land of digital doubles and recreating the afterlife, we were able to discern some sticking points with our business model and reformulated the plan with more realistic goals in mind. It would be an industry in its infancy and when we pick it back up, we know where we want to go with it.
We have had a lot of interest from people all around the world as to what we are doing and what we have discovered, and its been great as indies to pave the way for new ideas and new ways we can use digital technology as human beings. We have recently been in talks with other companies with more advanced technologies that want to work with us and give us the facilities to create experiences of the highest quality, which is what experiences like these really needs to be convincing, believable, heart warming and not a terrifying one.
In saying that i hope we have the opportunity to pick it up again and create a service for people wanting to try to live forever in some way or another :).
Gargula: Bloodrush VERSION 2.1 release!
Well It's been insane lately.... But we have managed to do a HUUUUUUGE update on Gargula Bloodrush for ANDROID and AMAZON... We have reworked all the Art in the game and fixed most of the complaints and advice we received from players in our earlier version. We are going to continue paying attention to Gargula Bloodrush but next up is an iOS Update and to fix the Game Trailer. It has been a massive few months.
Thank you for your support and patience.
Paranormal Out...
Thank you for your support and patience.
Paranormal Out...
Official Trailer for Gargula: Bloodrush
Gargula Bloodrush 1st Release.
So guys we are absolutely thrilled to announce our first launch for our debut game Gargula Bloodrush. It has been a long road to get here but is a dream come true. Today we woke up and the world seemed brighter. Gargula is being released in 3 stages within the shortest possible time periods. This is the first, Australia & New Zealand for Google Play and Amazon. Iron out any major bugs. Then onto iOS AUS/NZ. Then some extra content and finally, global! The reason behind breaking it up is to give us the time to manage this game and produce a great experience for the Gamer. We don't agree with slapping something together and then just releasing it on the whole world only to give you all something dumbed down. Thats not how we here at Paranormal roll. So it may take some time but we want each and everyone of you to feel respected as gamers and we want something we are proud of. So stay tuned and soon you'll be in the front row for Gargula Bloodrush, bring the popcorn...
Paranormal Out....
Paranormal Out....

We at Paranormal Games are proud to announce that Gargula Bloodrush will feature music from one of the most influential and greatest death metal bands ever! Death (Official)!
We have retrofied it for the game :D
We have retrofied it for the game :D
Game Loading: Rise of the indies
Paranormal Games will have gargula Bloodrush featured in the film Game Loading: Rise of the Indies. Game Loading is a feature length documentary about the rise of indie game developers in Australia and around the world. The film is currently in production and will be completed in early 2014. check them out at
Game Loading is being produced by indie filmmakers Lester Francois and Anna Brady through their production company Studio Bento.
Game Loading is being produced by indie filmmakers Lester Francois and Anna Brady through their production company Studio Bento.
Gargula Bloodrush
It is official Gargula bloodrush will be the first official game released by the paranormal team...... how will things unfold? stay tuned for further news....